Detta nya (?) år

It seems only appropriate that I, during this late afternoon on the first day of a new year, would take a moment to contemplate over the year that has passed. This not saying that I haven't spent endless hours already, scrutinizing every remembered moment, but it is only now that I put down in written words some of the thoughts that have inhibited my mind quite frequently lately.
I dare not be as honest as I could, though that should be of no surprise seeing as I often even find true honesty too fearful the mere presence of myself. Not that I deliberately practice dishonesty on a regular basis. No, that's not the thing. However, I do have a tendency to lie, even to myself, about my wants and my needs because I'm afraid of the impact they would have if known and acknowledged. Afraid of change, in a way.
I consider myself the embracing type, experienced enough not to let destructive emotional thoughts or lazy convenience get in my way of enjoying life to its fullest. I owe it to myself to try my very best to practice what I preach, but sometimes I suppose courage fails me. Convenience sets in. Fear. Insecurity. The reason for me mentioning this is because it bears high relevance to what I expect and hope to achieve this new year.
Denna text låg alltså gömd i dokumentdjungeln på min dator, skriven under årets första dag. Nyligen hemkommen från USA spenderade jag min tid med att längta tillbaka till strålande sol och snötäckta bergstoppar. Jag antar att jag har haft tur som funnit en plats där jag är lycklig och hemmastadd. Smått opraktiskt bara att den ligger på andra sidan jorden...
Det känns som igår som jag satt där, smått förvirrad över livet, och försökte göra någon slags plan för det kommande året. Det är inte utan viss förvåning som jag nu konstaterar att en tredjedel av året redan försvunnit, utan att jag hunnit tänka ut den där fantastiskt livsförändrande planen. Attans.
Better late than never...